• 18 Nov 2015

    Process Improvement

    Studies of organizations recognised as leaders in Continuous Improvement have shown the importance of 3 common themes:

    • A strong customer focus;
    • A process approach;
    • Effective managerial leadership that seeks to involve everyone in improvement;

    Innergy applies the SIPOC conceptual model as a way of thinking about and then improving (eliminating waste and raising efficiencies) business processes. SIPOC forces us to think about how the processes within the business provide value to our customers, be they internal or external customers.

    The approach defines …..

    “The suppliers (and the inputs that they provide) to the process that creates the output which provides value to the customer”.

    Hence the acronym S.I.P.O.C.

    Application of the S.I.P.O.C. model assumes a fundamental management approach that is customer focused and measures success from a customer point of view.

    It means…. Knowing what is currently of value to customers, discovering what will be of increasing value to customers and creating, providing and continuously improving the business-wide processes which (when used by the people in the organization) eliminate non-value-adding activities and ensure the creation of value for its customers.

    The approach used by Innergy moves;

    • from exploring what customers value,
    • to analysing the products and services that create that value,
    • through re-engineering the business processes that create and deliver those products and services,
    • to helping the suppliers that input to those processes
